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Arthritis is the damage occurring in the specialized tissue called cartilage which lines the joint.

It is the damage occurring in the cartilage due to wear and tear of the joints, especially weight bearing joints like knee and hip.

It is an immune modulated damage occurring in the cartilage of the joints. It can affect any joint, excessive damage and destruction may require joint replacement, especially the hip and knee.

Cartilage is a specialized tissue, lining the joints, which acts as a shock absorber to the joints.

It is Inflammation of the Tendon, Resulting in Pain and Swelling

It is a type of scan used to measure the density of bone. The commonly used scan is called DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry).

It is the ligament which provides stability to your knee joint. Most injured ligament in contact sports.

It is a method by which, when the joint surfaces in contact or damaged, they are reconstructed or replaced by artificial joints called Prosthesis. It is highly effective in proper hands to alleviate pain and to give back mobility.

Usually, the patient will be able to walk on the 2nd day post-surgery with support and sutures will be removed on the 14th day at the surgeon’s discretion. By the end of the 3rd week, the patient should be able to walk without support. Usually, the wound heals in two weeks.

It depends on the type and the necessity of surgery. Now a days no one is generally too old for surgery. Usually, you will be evaluated by a team of specialties to assess the fitness for surgery.